The Diablo 900

Fourth Saturday of the month

A 900 Round consists of 90 arrows, 30 at each distance, each worth a maximum of ten points (900 points).

You shoot 5 ends of 6 arrows each, at each of 3 distances.

The Diablo 900 is a monthly shoot, designed to help archers hone their skills or prepare for competition.

It’s also a great way to meet fellow archers and club members, get advice and feedback, and to experience a competition format in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Fourth Saturday of the month

  • 8:15am – 8:45am – Registration
  • 9:00am – Shoot Start

All Ages & Classes

  • $10 Member
  • $12 Guest

Timed Event

Each end, you will have five minutes to shoot six arrows.

Click to view scorecard (see who’s registered)

Non-members must sign a liability waiver

The Diablo 900 is open to compound, recurve, and traditional archers. The maximum draw weight allowed is 65 pounds. Sorry, but crossbows are not allowed.

90 Arrows
122cm target face
60, 50, 40 yard distances

Note: Please RSVP for the shoot. This lets us know how many targets to set out. If your your plans change, please RSVP a second time with a “0” under “How many people are attending.”

How to shoot the Diablo 900

A shuttle service is provided from the member parking area to the 900-shooting range.

All archers register onsite and receive their target assignments and scorecards. 

The shooting line is stationary for the entire shoot, we will move the targets for each distance.  A target backstop is in place to prevent errant arrows from traveling beyond the target. 

Shooting distances:

  • Young adult & above shoot 60/50/40 yards
  • Youth & Longbow shoot 50/40/30 yards
  • Cubs shoot 30/20/10 yards


There is one practice END of up to six arrows before the official scoring begins.

An END consists of Six arrows shot for score.  Five ENDS are shot at each distance, 30 arrows total.

You will have 5 minutes to shoot each END. After each END, the archers walk to the target to score.

A horn system is used to control the archer’s shooting line, rotation, and timing for scoring per end shot:

  • Two (2) Blasts to come to the shooting line
  • One (1) Blast to begin shooting
  • Three (3) Blasts to go forward and score
  • Four (4) or more Blasts for Emergency Stop of shooting

*In archery, an END is a group of arrows that are shot consecutively before the archer goes to the target to retrieve and score the arrows.


The target face is 122 cm (48 inches) and is divided into five concentric color zones arranged from the center outward as follows: Gold, Red, Blue, Black, and White, with ten concentric rings arranged to divide each color.

Each ring from the outside is worth one additional point, except the innermost gold ring. This means that the rings are worth: 

  • White 1 & 2 points
  • Black 3 & 4 points
  • Blue 5 & 6 points
  • Red 7 & 8 points
  • Gold 9 & 10 points

The innermost gold ring is called the “X” ring. It is written on the scorecard as “X” and is counted as 10 points.

“X”‘s are used for tie-breaking purposes. If two archers attain the same score, the victor is decided by who has more “X”s.

Diablo 900 Competition Rules

Range Setup & Rules

The Target Range distances are accurately measured from the shooting line on the ground perpendicular to the gold spot on the target face. 

Target lines and shooting lines are accurately marked on the ground. 

There is a 3-yard waiting line behind the shooting line.  Individual target lanes are marked by lines designating the side boundaries of each lane. 

All safety precautions and limited access to the shooting area is enforced.


The shooters shall stand so that one foot is on each side of the shooting line. 

The Shooting Director shall signal the start and finish of each end and shall use tournament control signals needed for safety. 

Any type of spotting aid may be used, provided it does not cause an obstruction or interference to other shooters. 

There shall not be less than three nor more than five archers assigned to each target in use.  Four is customary. 

A mis-shot arrow may be re-shot if the archer can touch the arrow with their bow without moving their feet at the shooting line. 

If an arrow should hang from the target face, shooting shall be interrupted, and the Shooting Director shall reinsert the arrow in its proper place in the scoring face. 

Coaching an archer on the shooting line is permitted, providing that such coaching is not distracting to other contestants. Audible coaching of archers on the shooting line is not permitted.


Arrows must remain in the target butt until all arrows are scored. An arrow shaft need only touch the line to be counted in the area of next higher value.

The status of all arrows shall be determined and recorded before touching or withdrawing any arrows from the target butt.

An arrow that has passed through the scoring face so that it is not visible from the front shall be pushed back through for scoring.  If a complete pass-through goes unnoticed until scoring at the target, it shall be re- shot.

Off-ground skids or glances into the target shall not be counted. Arrows striking objects over the shooting lane may be re-shot. Arrows passing completely through the target, if witnessed, may be re-shot.

Witnessed bounce outs, believed to have hit the target in the scoring area, will be re-shot. An arrow embedded in another arrow in the scoring face shall be scored the same as the arrow in which it is embedded. 

Hits on the wrong target face shall score as misses. An archer who shoots arrows at the target in excess of the prescribed number shall lose the arrow or arrows of higher value. A penalty of one point will be assessed for each arrow shot over the prescribed numbers. 

A dropped arrow is one which falls while being transferred from the quiver to be nocked on the string, or in preparation for a shot; or which falls from the string during a controlled letdown (A dropped arrow may be re-shot).

The archer chosen to pull the arrows from the target, shall be the Target Captain and shall rule all questions on their target subject to appeal to the Line Judge. The Target Captain shall call the value of each arrow so it can be recorded by two score keepers. Scorers should keep a running score and check results after each end to avoid errors.

Any archer on a target may request a judge to determine final score of any arrow before any arrows or the target butt are touched.

Archers are individually responsible for seeing that their arrows are called correctly and are properly entered on the scorecards, and that their scorecards are signed and turned in to the proper officials. Scorecards must be signed as correct by scorekeeper and archer. Once submitted a scorecard cannot be retrieved for purposes of changing totals.