Diablo Club Shoot

Club shoots are for all members and guests!

You don’t need to be a pro to participate. For a qualifying score you will shoot two rounds, one Field and one Hunter (4 arrows at each target).

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2nd Saturday

Monthly @ 9:00 am

28 Targets

1 Field Round & 1 Hunter Round

All Ages & Classes

We welcome all NFAA Classes and age groups


  • $8 Member
  • $10 Guest

Shoot Details

How to Shoot the Monthly Club Shoot

The Club Shoot consists of one NFAA Field Round and one NFAA Hunter round. Each round is 14 targets and 4 arrows are shot at each.

All Classes and Ages are welcome.

Registration & Groups

Registration begins a little before 9am at the snack shack near the Jones round entry.

Arrive a little early and find a group. This is a great way to meet other club members and you will need to shoot with at least one, but preferably 2-3 other archers. A group of 4-5 is typical.

The Club Shoot chair will have pre-selected two of our four ranges for the shoot. One is set with Hunter targets, the other with Field targets.

One your group is formed, you may begin the shoot. Your group may choose to begin on either the Hunter or Field round.

Shooting – Field Round

Field rounds are shot from the WHITE shooting stakes and the targets are a white face with a black ring and a black center spot.

This is the longer distance round of the two, with standard yardages (e.g. 20, 40, 45, etc.) with one target at a distance of 80 yards.

The 80 yard target is also used for our “Meatball” side game, where archers who participate can win the pot if their first arrow scores a 5 (or is inside the pro-ring for recurve and trad shooters).

There are 14 targets total and three will be Walk-Ups, where the archer shoots a single arrow at each of four progressively closer target markers.

One target will be a FAN, where archers will shoot a single arrow from each of four target markers, each at the same distance, but with slightly different angle on the target.

There will be one Birdie, which is marked in feet, rather than yards. For this target, there will be a series of 4 stacked target faces. A single arrow is shot at each.

Shooting – Hunter Round

The Hunter round emphasizes slightly closer, but non-standard distances (e.g. 19 yards instead of 20).

The shooting stakes for this round are Red, and the target faces are black, with a single white spot for the 5 ring.

As with the Field round, this round also has 14 targets, but includes more Walk-Ups and FANs, and the longest distance will be 70 yards.

For three of the Walk-Ups, only two distances are used and 2 arrows are shot at each.


Scoring shall take place after all archers in the group have shot their arrows.

Though the target faces look different, scoring for the two rounds is the same.

  • Five (5) points for the center circle
  • Four (4) points for the middle ring
  • Three (3) points for the outer ring

An arrow only needs to touch the line to be counted in the next higher scoring category.

The maximum score per target is 20 points.

The status of all arrows shall be recorded before touching or removing any arrows from the target.

When scoring for both rounds is complete, each archer signs their scorecard and turns it in at the registration desk.

Additional Rules & Details

Distance Markers

ADULT (over 18): White Markers for Fields rounds and Red Markers for Hunter rounds indicate the yardage and shooting position
YOUNG ADULT (15 through 17) Shoot from the adultWhite or Red Markers
YOUTH (12 through 14) Shoot the adult stakes up to 50 yards. Any adult yardage over 50 yards will have a Blue Marker which indicates the youth shooting position.
CUB (under 12) Shoot from the Black Markers.

Target Types

Walk Up targets have markers located at progressive distances from the target. A walk up target is shot from the most distant marker first. After all the archers in a group have shot their first arrow, the group walks up to the next marker and shoots. Most walk up targets have four markers shot with one arrow per marker. Some targets have two markers and are shot two arrows at each marker.

Fan targets are laid out with four markers at equal distances from the target and spread horizontally across the shooting lane. Archers shoot one arrow at each of the four positions.

Birdie targets are set up a close range. Distances can vary from 35 feet to 20 feet. Each archer has four small target faces arranged vertically. One arrow is shot at each target successively, starting at either the top or the bottom of the stack.

At targets under 30 yards, the target butts are set up with four targets arranged in a square pattern. Each archer shoots at their own target. The first two archers will shoot the bottom targets, the second two will shoot the top targets. The archer on the left will shoot the left target, and the archer on the right will shoot the right target. These shooting positions remain the same for the remainder of the round. On the second round, the target positions are reversed. For example, if an archer was shooting top-left in the first 14 targets, they will shoot bottom-right on the second.

Additional Scoring Details

Skip-ins or glances into the target shall be scored as a miss.

Arrows striking objects over the shooting lane may be re-shot.

An arrow that has passed through the scoring face so that it is not visible from the front shall be pushed back through for scoring.  If a complete pass-through goes unnoticed until scoring at the target, it shall be re-shot

Bounce outs, if witnessed, may be re-shot.

An arrow embedded in another arrow shall be scored the same as the arrow in which it is embedded.

A dropped arrow which falls while being transferred from the quiver to be nocked on the string, or in preparation for a shot; or which falls from the string during a controlled letdown may be re-shot.